How to Open a New Tab Vim

(Last Updated: 2022-02-10)

To open a new tab in vim, use :tabnew

Why is Ruby on Rails' default_scope bad?

(Last Updated: 2022-02-10)

A pretty popular opinion in the Ruby on Rails community is that default_scopes should not be used for any reason. However, often it's not fully explained why default_scopes are harmful to applications. Default Scopes are harmful because they are unexpected and hard to unscope.

Solved: Warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated

(Last Updated: 2020-05-20)

Ruby 2.7 deprecated the use of hashes in the last argument of a method call. Fix this warning by removing the curly braces or adding a hash splat (**) to a variable argument.

Vim: How to Open Current Opened File in New Tab

(Last Updated: 2020-01-06)

In vim, you can open the current file in a new tab by utilizing :tabnew %.

Rails: How to Use Greater Than/Less Than in Active Record where Statements

(Last Updated: 2020-01-06)

When querying ActiveRecord for greater than and less than, most people turn to including raw SQL in their codebase... But raw SQL isn't required!

Using Let and Context to Modularize RSpec Tests

(Last Updated: 2020-01-06)

When test suites contain a lot of duplication, coupling occurs at an individual spec basis. By utilizing core RSpec functionality, developers can clean up specs in order to reduce duplication and add clarity to the focal point of the spec.

What's the difference between a Good Developer and a Good Googler?

(Last Updated: 2020-01-06)